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Grilled Loaded Wedge Salad

Sarah Firebaugh

Grill your lettuce. Trust me.

This wedge salad is absolutely LOADED with toppings and is the perfect quick dinner. All the colors of the rainbow!!! Read below for the recipe and nutrition information!


Recipe Information:

  • Makes 1 serving

  • Total time: 10 minutes



  1. In a hot pan over high heat, grill your halved romaine head, exposed heart side down, for about 3-5 minutes. Lettuce should be slightly browning on the edges! Ensure that romaine heart is clean and dry before grilling.

  2. As the name implies, load up your lettuce!! Cover wedge with diced red onion, diced tomato, chopped hard boiled egg, chopped bacon, cheese of choice, and dressing. Slice to enjoy!



This salad is jam-packed with vitamins & minerals.

  • Romaine: romaine is the most nutrient-dense lettuce type! It supplies essential nitrate for heart health, as well as beta-carotene and vitamin C for high cholesterol prevention. It also contains folic acid and potassium, which are amazing for heart health and blood pressure!

  • Red onion: red onions are full of sulfur compounds that protect the body from ulcers and various cancers. They also fight bacteria and contain quercetin, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant that protects against cancer, allergies, and heart disease.

  • Tomato: tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and potassium! They contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which is linked to many benefits including a reduced risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

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